
By train

Train timetables can be viewed and tickets purchased online at
Prices can vary greatly and reduced price ‘Advanced tickets’ are sometimes available and can be purchased from approximately 12 weeks prior to departure.

To Melrose:

The nearest train station to Melrose is at Berwick-upon-Tweed, onward bus services operate to Melrose.

Approximate train journey times from Edinburgh to Berwick-upon-Tweed 40 minutes.
Approximate train journey times from Newcastle to Berwick-upon-Tweed 45 minutes.

From Berwick-upon-Tweed travel by bus to Melrose.

Approximate journey time – 1.5 hours

From Holy Island (Lindisfarne)

The nearest train station to Holy Island is at Berwick-upon-Tweed. Bus services operate from Beal, Holy Island Rd End which is 5 miles from Holy Island. A limited minibus service operates from Holy Island to Beal. Alternative transport is by local taxi service. Please note you will need to plan your travel times around the tide timetable and causeway open times, available at Holy Island crossing times.

Approximate train journey times from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Edinburgh 40 minutes.
Approximate train journey times from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Newcastle 45 minutes.

From Beal, Holy Island Rd End travel by bus to Berwick-upon-Tweed

Approximate journey time – 20 minutes

By bus

Bus timetables are available to view online at

To Melrose

The bus stop in Melrose is a short walk from your accommodation.

From Holy Island (Lindisfarne)

Bus services operate from Beal, Holy Island Rd End which is 5 miles from Holy Island. A limited minibus service operates from Holy Island to Beal. Alternative transport is by local taxi service.

By Air
Edinburgh Airport

To Melrose:

Trains - see above for travel from Edinburgh to Melrose.

Approximate journey times 2.5 hours.

From Holy Island (Lindisfarne):

Trains - see above for travel from Holy Island to Edinburgh.

Approximate journey times 1.5 hours.

Newcastle airport

To Melrose:

Trains - see above for travel from Newcastle to Melrose.

Approximate journey times 2.5 hours.

From Holy Island (Lindisfarne):

Trains - see above for travel from Holy Island to Newcastle.

Approximate journey times 1.5 hours.

More Information?

For more information or to make an enquiry, please don't hesitate to call or email us.